Monday, April 15, 2024

The STEP Bible Resource

 This is just a quick post to mention another nice Bible resource. This link is to the STEP Bible. Here are some bullet points:

  • You can download it to use when disconnected from the internet
  • You can add various modules (additional Bibles and commentaries, etc.)
  • You can make notes.
  • It's easy to use the online version.
  • I had trouble downloading some of the modules (but there are plenty included).
  •  It's a nice alternative for people who like eSword.
That's pretty much it. I hope this helps. Don't forget to check out my old posting where I listed more resources. I might have to start assembling a page dedicated to these.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

In Hindsight, I Need Prayer

 Don't you hate when your heart means one thing and your words convey another? Uh! That doesn't happen for me often but, when it does, it's at the worst of times.

Recently, an acquaintance I am fond of mentioned feeling disconnected from her faith. To me, it seems that she is walking on one of the "valley" moments of the peaks and valleys of the Christian life. And I totally understand that feeling. Who doesn't? 

To comfort her, I said that our faith is not based on feelings. My heart meant that while we, in our flesh, can't help but feel things, God loves us anyway. What my words conveyed: Get out of your feelings, sister!

How appalling. I can' wait to see her again so that I can clarify what I meant. In the meantime, I am praying that God help me think a lot more before I ever open my mouth again.

Pray for me. Pray that I get better at communicating love and understanding to my Christian siblings. Pray that I get better at every part of this Christian walk. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Blessing of Neighbors

 I just wanted to do a short post to share an uplifting event.

A neighbor (I'll call her "Jade") knocked at my door about a week ago. She was inviting me to join her for a prayer session. Wow. Okay.

Jade's inspiration was a situation she wanted to repent of and pray about. Double wow.

I met with her and 4 other ladies in her apartment. When we'd all chatted and settled down, Jade explained that she had recently lost her temper with another of our neighbors. (For clarification: everyone tends to lose their temper with this guy, "Ray". He almost begs for it and thrives on the attention.) 

You should understand that Jade is a Bible-reading, Christian-in-action type of woman. She's very kind and she's serious about her relationship with the Lord. This is why she wanted to repent about giving in to her anger and snapping at Ray. 

So Jade repented and we prayed with her. We prayed that we all responded better when Ray pushed our buttons. We prayed that we would be able to show him Christ in our behavior instead of giving in to anger. Moreover, one of the ladies suggested that we start praying to Ray. That led to our pledging to take a moment out of every day to pray, period. 

That little prayer meeting was so beautiful and uplifting that we have now decided to meet once a month for prayer and to just check in with each other. We have resolved to keep these meetups brief so that there's no hardship on anyone's schedule.

I have been praying daily (I have a daily alarm set on my phone) and specifically for my neighbors (especially Ray). I wish I had been doing this sooner. Of course, I pray throughout the day - thanking the Lord for blessings and asking for strength. But this is a special time devoted to praying for those around me.

These neighbors are just one of the many blessings I am thankful for. I hope that this will encourage you to start a prayer group - or just start praying daily for others. 

I will close this post with a poem that we shared at the prayer meeting. I have put a bold emphasis on the part that Chuck Missler often quoted during his Bible lessons:

Poem by Frederick William Pitt (1859-1943)

The maker of the universe, as man for man was made a curse:
The claims of laws which He had made, unto the uttermost He paid.
His holy fingers made the bough which grew the thorns that crowned His brow:
The nails that pierced His feet were mined in secret places He designed.
He made the forests where there sprung, the tree on which His body hung:
He died upon a cross of wood, yet made the hill on which it stood.
The sky that darkened o’er His head, by Him above the earth was spread:
The sun that hid from Him his face, by His decree was poised in space.
The spear revealing precious blood was tempered in the fires of God:
The grave in which His form was laid, was hewn in rock which He had made.
The throne on which He now appears was His from everlasting years:
But a new glory crowns His brow, and every knee to Him must bow.


God bless.

