As a Christian, I don't put my faith in politics and worldly power. However, I do realize we live as citizens under government rule. I know that, one day, the world will be tested by a satanic government. For much of my life, I wondered how on earth Christians would be fooled by that demonic ruler.
Let me stop here and say that I don't view the current U.S. White House administration as the Antichrist. In my lifetime, I don't think there have been any W.H. administrations that were Christ-focused. As Jesus taught, this world is not his kingdom. What I do notice with the current administration is that citizens are being tested on how far they will let a rogue leader go. I'm not surprised by the W.H. Chief Resident (that's as far as I will go in giving him a title) being egged on by his faithful followers. I am surprised by how many Christians are either silent or complicit in this social experiment (and, yes, that is what I think it is).
When rich people target the poor, sick, hungry, young and elderly and least empowered, Christians should not be gleeful. When laws and rules are ignored, Christians should not be okay with that. When a powerful leader uses his position to cause undue chaos, Christians should not be cheering him on.
Where is common decency? Have we forgotten about all the manners and rules that we teach our children to follow?
I believe that a lot of Christians believe the politicians who say that they will do away with legalized sinful behavior. And a lot of politicians will say that to get elected - while they themselves are participating in those same sins!
I don't agree with sinful behavior being legalized or normalized. I don't support gay rights, abortion or drug use. I don't support sin of any kind, but I believe that people are free to sin. I do pray that they will repent, and I pray for their struggles. I am not sinless, but I am not happily and unrepentantly sinful. Sin is a struggle for all of us, so I am not pointing a self-righteous finger at anyone.
It's so difficult to watch people who call themselves "Christian" while they let hate motivate their actions. I recently saw one person wearing a shirt with anti-Semitic slogans at the same time they were proclaiming to be Christian. I don't know if some people realize that the Christ of Christianity was born a Jew.
It's hard for me to understand a well-fed Christian hating any hungry person. I can't understand a Christian who is poor hating another poor person. I really cannot understand a Christian fanatically supporting anyone, let alone a very obviously non-Christian.
My heart breaks when I see "Christians" proclaiming that their faith is a man - be he their pastor, teacher, or government leader. Our faith is to be in Christ alone. Our actions are not to be based on our feelings or biases but on the teachings of Christ.
If I see a hungry, sick, hurting, or frightened person, I don't care whether they are gay, Atheist, black, white or whatever. I am going to feed them or help not because of my personal feelings, but because that is what my faith calls me to do. How can I proclaim Christ to someone when I won't approach them with the love of Christ?
How can I call myself a Christian when I won't love the way that Christ did? And loving someone doesn't mean that I am okay with their sin or that I will tell them that I am okay with it. Loving someone means loving them and hating their sin. Maybe they will want to know where I got this love from.
Back to where this started. I know now how the Antichrist will win over some "Christians". He will speak to their hate and ego. He will tell them how they can be in power on this earth. He will make them feel like their kingdom has come.
Christians, we need to pray for each other, We need to pray for our leaders (yes, even the one currently in power), and we need to reach people for Christ with love and honesty, not with our personal power and strength. Pray that God puts the right words in your mouth to reach people. Pray that we can hold out until His kingdom comes.