Here are some suggested resources for anyone interested in Bible study and apologetics. I am not personally endorsing sites in particular; I provide these links as springboards to information focused on the Christian faith. I've worked on this off an on for a while and will be updating it as often as I can. Please, share and enjoy.
For Nerds (Sci & Tech & Gaming interests)

Bibles and Bible Study Tools
**Bibles & Translations**
Miscellaneous and random
** Jewish and Orthodox Jewish Bibles (OJB) are called "Messianic" Bibles and sometimes labeled as Hebrew Names Versions (HNV).
NOTE that I can not personally endorse all information provided in these links. It's best to check sources to see if they fit your own statement of faith. As always, be prayerful and Spirit-led when ingesting ideas and information from any source.)
Apologetics & Tough Questions
- Apologetics Press (on YouTube)
- Tough Questions Answered
- Got Questions (YouTube)
- Cross Examined (YouTube)
- CARM (YouTube)
- Creation.Ministries (YouTube)
- Bethinking
- John Ankerberg Show (YouTube)

For Nerds (Sci & Tech & Gaming interests)

- Reasons to Believe (Hugh Ross/Astronomer)
- Answers in Genesis (Jason Lisle/Astrophysicist)
- Article "Can You Be a Scientist and Believe in God?" (from RZIM0
- Hacking Christianity
- Geeky Christian
- Geeks Under Grace
- Christians in Science
- Believing Scientists Respond: Why Are You a Christian? from BioLogos
- "The Rich, Historic Roll Call of Great Christian Thinkers and Scientists" from Cold Case Christianity
- "Christianity and Science" from All About Worldview
(By the way, the Wikipedia listing of Christians in the science arena is rather incomplete)
Social Media People, Accounts, and Stuff
- Christianity tag on Tumblr
- Christianity Now on Tumblr
- Christians on Facebook
(Search social media platforms for tags of things you're interested in)
Bibles and Bible Study Tools
**Bibles & Translations**
- "What are the different English Bible versions?"
- answered by Got Questions
- List of English translations (Wikipedia)
- Bible Translation differences (ebook/pdf)
- Overview of best-known translations

**Online Bibles**
- The very shocking "slave" Bible was a real thing. Just FYI
- Bible Gateway has a selection of translations. Also has other study aids.
- Bible Study Tools has a lot of... study tools. Also Bible lookup.
- From the same site as above, the Complete Jewish Bible** is available.
- Church Tech Today's list of "5 Best Bible Study Programs on the Market Today" and their...
- ..."10 Best Simple Bible Study Apps" from last year.
- World Messianic Bible
- Downloadable Bible from eSword
**Bibles for your phone & tablet
- True Christian subreddit on Reddit (42k members -at time of writing)
- Christianity subreddit (194k members)
- The Theology (a place to ask questions and have discussions)
Miscellaneous and random
- Core Christianity
- The late Dr. Walter Martin's YouTube channel and website. He was a frequent guest on the John Ankerberg Show and was known for his debates and for authoring The Kingdom of the Cults.
- The book by Pastor G. Craige Lewis The Truth Behind Hip Hop is eyeopening for parents and lovers of music. Lewis' EX Ministries and his ABC Church have regular podcasts and online presentations of some materials.
You can also search out podcasts that deal with Christian issues. I have the iTunes app on my computer but use the Podcast Addict app on my phone. Most of the above-listed resources have phone apps. Just search the Android or iPhone apps stores.
I have provided these links for you to peruse but you're responsible for what you do with them. I will warn you to scan everything before downloading files and programs.
** Jewish and Orthodox Jewish Bibles (OJB) are called "Messianic" Bibles and sometimes labeled as Hebrew Names Versions (HNV).
NOTE that I can not personally endorse all information provided in these links. It's best to check sources to see if they fit your own statement of faith. As always, be prayerful and Spirit-led when ingesting ideas and information from any source.)