Sunday, November 22, 2020

Questions, Questions (and some answers)

 As I am doing this one-year Bible reading plan, I am making a list of questions. I do my Bible reading in the morning before I start the day and my goal had been to try finding answers to the questions every night before bed. Good plan, but...

I am listing way more questions than I will be able to look up answers for over the next couple of years. If I am lucky.

Is this normal? To have so many questions about the Bible? I am nearing the end of the Book of Joshua and I have 18 questions. And these aren't minor issues. Here are just a few:

  • When are why did Ishamael's descendants stop believing in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and start believing in the Muslim Allah?
  • Of the peoples named after their tribes and "fathers" (Reubenites, Dan-ites, etc) where are the descendants today? Are they traceable?
  • Reading Exodus 20:4 {You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.} makes me wonder if we aren't supposed to have paintings and other artistic portrayals of (our idea of) God, and of nature, etc. As humans, our tendency is to worship what we can see. After all, one of the reasons we idolize celebrities is because we have their images on film and photographs to refer to. Here's one answer to the question, by the way.
  • Reading Deuteronomy 22:9 {Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled.}makes wonder about plant hybridization>
These are more to do with my curiosity for life application purposes than simply not understanding the verses.

Thankfully, some of the resources I have linked to here on the blog have been helpful. I think I must visit Got Questions about 20 times a day. Because I have such a bad memory and some comprehension problems, I have been printing out a lot of those pages.

Because I have so many questions, I wonder what kinds of questions other readers have. 

As I mentioned, I am nearing the end of Joshua. Honestly, it's been tedious reading through all the land allotments. I have butchered many of the names of different lands. Bible Speak is a good resource as is How to Pronounce.

The image above is a good guide. It's from Woman of Noble Character. I know nothing about the site but found the image on Pinterest and love it.

Anyway, I hope that there are many of you reading your Bible on a regular basis. We all need strength and hope, especially with the global health crisis and the other stresses of life.


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