Thursday, April 11, 2024

In Hindsight, I Need Prayer

 Don't you hate when your heart means one thing and your words convey another? Uh! That doesn't happen for me often but, when it does, it's at the worst of times.

Recently, an acquaintance I am fond of mentioned feeling disconnected from her faith. To me, it seems that she is walking on one of the "valley" moments of the peaks and valleys of the Christian life. And I totally understand that feeling. Who doesn't? 

To comfort her, I said that our faith is not based on feelings. My heart meant that while we, in our flesh, can't help but feel things, God loves us anyway. What my words conveyed: Get out of your feelings, sister!

How appalling. I can' wait to see her again so that I can clarify what I meant. In the meantime, I am praying that God help me think a lot more before I ever open my mouth again.

Pray for me. Pray that I get better at communicating love and understanding to my Christian siblings. Pray that I get better at every part of this Christian walk. 

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