Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2020

Blacks Don't Lives Matter

That title was meant to get your attention and I am sure it did.

I'm not here to focus on the BLM movement - or any of the other current social chaos - but to explain why I don't want to focus solely on any current event. That's my point. None of this is special or new.

Not plagues, not the unrest and turmoil between citizens, genders, races, or sexual orientation. What all this is is just another episode in the story of the war Lucifer is waging on mankind and against God. This started with Lucifer's rebellion. And don't forget the four lies Satan told in the Garden. Those lies are the foundation he has built his agenda upon.

Look at this helpful outline of Satan's rebellious agenda from Reasons For Hope Jesus:

The Five “I Wills” of Satan

In Isaiah 14:13-14 are five phrases expressing the sinful desires of Lucifer.  Each begins with “I will” and reveals Satan’s self-sufficiency and his self-worship. 
Isaiah 14:13-14  For you [Lucifer] have said in your heart:
  1. I will ascend into heaven, 
  2. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; 
  3. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation In the sides of the north;
  4. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, 
  5. I will be like the Most High.
This passage is often referred to as The Five ˜I wills” of Satan. The statements reveal Satan’s sinful nature, his rebellion, his disobedience, his self-sufficiency, his pride, his self-exaltation, and his all-encompassing pride and arrogance.
For Satan, it’s all about him, and nothing about God.
This will end with the battle that is already won, praise Jesus.

I have to remind myself of this because I tend to get caught up in this moment in time. I get caught up in the time I live in and forget that this rebellion of Satan and those who follow his agenda has been going on way before me and, depending on God's timeline, will continue long after me.

If Satan wants to distract me by keeping my focus on him and his society, all he needs do is make me think of something or someone that isn't going to matter in the end of the already-won battle. If I hear someone praising Trump, I start to get distracted by my dislike of the man. If someone calls me "nigger", I get distracted by my own anger and the history behind that word. If I sin, I get distracted by remorse and shame. If I notice someone else's sin, I get distracted by self-righteousness, pride, or jealousy.

Go watch the video at this church site
(caveat: I have not yet watched)

No matter how many times I remind myself not to, I get caught up in current hatred and ignorance and racism, etcetera, and let it get to me. Then I will shake myself and remember the God that I serve and that he is not a God of confusion or ignorance or fear. Because of the Lord, I don't have to get too worked up by the moment I live in. I need to remain calm and steady and keep spreading the message of the Gospel.

So, do black lives matter? Of course. What we ought to be most mindful of - now and as long as we live - is that this moment in time is just another moment in this war. Don't get so distracted by the current struggles that we take out eyes off of eternity and off of our Lord.

So, my brothers and sisters, anger is okay and natural. BUT when you find yourself getting angry or stressed about all this current turmoil, stop and think first about what it means in the finished and already-won battle we are in.
