Showing posts with label false gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false gods. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2009

To The Atheists

I asked and atheist recently if they were angry at God or just didn't believe in God. They responded that they are not angry, that they just don't believe. They think that my faith is useless.

Here is the thing tho: both the atheist and I have a faith. Mine is in that God is; theirs is in that there is no God. But, like I told the atheist: one of us is wrong. If I am wrong, I am no worse off at death than the atheist, but if he is wrong, he has lost eternity.

Now, understand that I can't conceive of the "No God" idea. I have had too much personal interaction with the Holy Spirit in my life to NOT believe. But if I had nothing other than simple faith, that would be enough for me.

If there is no God, and if I believed that, there would be nothing stopping me from doing anything to get anything. Even most people who don't believe in God recognize what God has put in us as the understanding of "Right and Wrong." Most people who don't believe in God don't want harm to come to those they love. They understand it's wrong to kill. They understand feeling remorse and sadness and joy and relief. They look at their newborn children and cannot explain or express the wonder of that miracle.

So, if you are going to tell me that there is no God and ask me to prove that there is, I would ask that you prove to yourself that there isn't.

I direct you to God's words TO you atheists: The fool has said in his heart that there is no God (Psalm 14:1)

By the way, after I wrote this post, I found a page that does address the positions of atheists. It is here. I encourage my Christan, non-Christian and atheist readers to check it out.

Finally, I would just say that if you are going to base your life and bet your eternity on a belief, then it's worth making sure that your belief is solid. This goes for those who don't believe in God, those who believe in false gods, and even more importantly, for those of us who believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Former atheist C.S. Lewis (who, like most serious atheists, was extremely intelligent) has always been someone I think of as a man who wanted to at least examine and understand his belief before he staked his life on it. If he was wrong, then at least he was not carelessly wrong.
