Showing posts with label the one true conspiracy theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the one true conspiracy theory. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Biggest (and Actual) Conspiracy of Them All

 I think it may have been Dave Chapelle who quipped that he "is a conspiracy theorist - to a point". If he didn't say that about himself, I will say it about myself.

To admit that you believe in conspiracies is kind of odd. I don't believe in conspiracies for the most part. I do have an interest in a lot of the theories. The one conspiracy I believe in, I believe in.

When I tell you that the main theory I believe in is satanic, don't walk away just yet. I have proof that will even stand up for some non-Bible believers.

The general theory I believe in is that there is a conspiracy and it's not just against the rich or poor or black or white or one-percenters or ninety-nine percenters - it's against all mankind.

For those of you who are not Bible believers, ask yourself if there is no conspiracy - or are no conspiracies - why isn't the world getting better as we humans become more "advanced"? Why haven't we solved the problems of poverty, crime, social abuse, and so on? If we are "evolving" (as many people seem to accept as a truth), why are we not evolving into a better species?

I will just leave that one there for some of you to think about. For those of you not opposed to hearing about the satanic part of this, read on.

The Satanic Conspiracy is also one waged against all mankind. My most-admired Bible teacher, the late Chuck Missler, would often say something to the effect that we are all pawns in a war between Good and Evil. Some of us understand that and have actively chosen a side. Some people are passive - which puts them on the side of Evil by default.

There is no excuse for the consenting human to not be aware of this great war.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard (Psalm 19:1-3).

While that reads beautifully and poetically, it is a scientific truth. The men and women who study the skies and the earth can in no other way explain the glories described. Those of us who don't have academic backgrounds in these areas only have to look up and around to understand the truth.

Satan's agenda is that we not acknowledge a Divine Creator but strive to explain Him away - or become like Him. That was Satan's original goal - to become God - and he's been working ever since to infect us with the same sinful wish.

If there is no God, then there would be no struggle for Satan (and man) to ever strive to become "godlike". Men would be naturally content. We wouldn't have wonder and curiosity and a love of beauty or a wish for happiness. We would just be.

So, the biggest conspiracy is the one that started when Satan fell and began enticing man to "fall" with him. If you want to believe otherwise, you have no one to convince but yourself.

