Sunday, June 9, 2024

The First & Most Skillful Influencer

 When I was watching a documentary about people using ayahuasca, it occurred to me (not for the first time) just how smart Lucifer is. Do you know how some celebrities manage to change with the times and stay relevant for years and years? That's Lucifer's game. When you think about it, he is the first and best "influencer" ever. And he doesn't even have a Twitter account (or does he?)...

This documentary talks about the currently trendy (or trending) drugs and methods of mental escape. I've been hearing about the ones mentioned more and more in the past 6 or 7 years.

Pot, cocaine, alcohol - those are all so boring. There's nothing glamorous or trendy about doing meth. But there are these new kids on the block: ayahuasca and ketamine. Those are what everyone is talking about these days.

The people in the documentary were talking up the benefits of hallucinogens and psychedelics. In addition to the ayahuasca and ketamine, I heard a lot about mushrooms. A couple of people even mentioned that they prefer these types of "aids" to those peddled by Big Pharma. 

It was interesting that so many people spoke about resorting to ayahuasca to deal with depression or some type of trauma. Many of them also seemed to feel that their experience was very "spiritual". They talked about feeling "connected" to "the universe" or feeling things "on a higher vibration".

(Okay. Side note. When I got hooked on watching all those TikTok reaction videos on YouTube, I very quickly got tired of quite a few phrases. 'Frequency', 'vibration', the 'matrix', and speaking about the Universe to keep from speaking about God. It tired me out. It's as if most of those folks discovered the dictionary for the first time.)

Watching the documentary, I kept thinking that these "new" (or maybe "trendy" is a better word) drugs are not really new. They are newly talked about. They are newly popular outside certain cultures. But Satan has known about them all along.

Maybe I'm being harsh but I feel that people who rely on a drug to "connect" to "the universe" (no, I won't capitalize it), are taking the easy way out. But, then again, I know the Maker of the universe. I connect with Him several times a day when I pray to Him, offer my praise to Him, or seek strength.

I wish I could make some people understand how powerful it is to know that I can be assured of this battle called Life being won. I get depressed, I get sick, I get mad and frustrated and overwhelmed - just like they all do. But through all of that, I have God. I have His promise of eternal joy and peace and delight.

All this world can do to me - and to anyone - is take out physical life. Once my body has been destroyed, I have eternity waiting. I have a new life and a new world waiting. I wish I could make everyone understand that.

But instead of seeking God, some people find it easier (for now) to follow Lucifer (or one one his reps). They will take his empty promises, they will take his drugs, and they will seek him in ways that will eventually destroy them.

And, when people get bored of this drug or that drug or this trend or that trend, the Enemy will be there waiting with a revamp. He will find another new thing to capture the hearts and minds of those who follow him.

I'm sure that this all sounds so fantastical to a non-believer. I pray for those who are unhappy, depressed, frustrated, weary - all of those things that we can be in this life - I pray that they open their hearts to God. 



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