Thursday, August 22, 2024

Life, Death & Reality

(I wanted to post this as soon as I could. I think that the subject of Death needs to be pondered by all of us.)

I was reading a news story recently about a group of people who died on a yacht. I feel so bad for their families and loved ones. I am sure that many of us can relate to being blindsided by events that change everything. 

These people - and others we read about who die suddenly, unexpectedly, and tragically - were just living life and expecting to live another day. We do that, don't we? Take this moment and the next for granted, as if it belongs to us.

Whenever I hear of a story like the one I read, I always lament that the people might not have been ready. Not that I think anyone can be ready for an "unexpected" death. But, dying is a guarantee (for most) and some of us are prepared.  Note that I didn't say that some of us are "ready". I don't know if I will be ready when my time to die comes but I am prepared. All Christians should be.

Death is both a finality - where this mortal life is completely over - and a beginning - when the next eternal existence begins. 

One thing is certain, whether some of us believe it or not: Death is and Death will be.

Do you have Jesus? You are going to die whether you do or don't. Are you poor and downtrodden? Are you wealthy? Unattractive? Beautiful? Are you "fortunate" (by worldly standards) or not? None of that matters to Death.

Once, when a family friend died and his loved ones were trying to decide on a coffin and what type of service they would have in his memory, we all felt sorry for their ordeal. In a private conversation within our family, my mother said something that I thought (at the time) was unkind. My mother was not an unkind woman so I was shocked - at the time. During the conversation about the widow and the children stressing themselves over funeral details - especially the coffin - Mama said something along the lines of "'Henry' doesn't care what box they choose. All he can do in it is be dead."

As an adult, I now understand my mother's remarks. I thought about them when I read that news story. The people who perished were on a yacht. They were, of course, wealthy and, by worldly standards, "fortunate". Now they are dead.  How they died, where they died, and what their status was when they died doesn't change the fact that they are dead.

I'm not thinking about the status, wealth, or lifestyle of these people. All I can think about is whether or not they were prepared. 

I'm pretty sure they all had some worldly preparations made: wills, estate planning, etc. But I pray that they were prepared for eternity. I pray that in whatever moments they had left on this earth, they came to the Lord. Nothing else matters to them now.

I pray now that anyone reading this is prepared. No matter what you believe, you better be ready to believe it to death - literally. Please examine your hearts. Please think carefully about what comes after this.



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