Showing posts with label Koinonia House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koinonia House. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bible Study NEVER Ends

 I have finished my Learn the Bible in 24 Hours video study course. It only took me about two and a half years. Or a bit more.

When I started the study, I thought I would be able to get through it quicker. My sarc-riddled brain decided otherwise and I had a lot of days when I couldn't get through more than 10 minutes of a video or a couple of pages of reading. But God is good. I did get finish the study and, you know the most important thing I learned? That a Christian is never finished with Bible study!

Now that I have finished this particular course of study, I have really only just begun. My next goal is to study each of the books of the Bible more thoroughly. I will be again using the Koinonia House resources. 

K House's YouTube channel has, I believe, a playlist of videos for each Bible book. I am going to be starting with the Genesis playlist, of course, and I have the playlist saved.

This time I won't have the helpful book or handbook that I did with 24 Hours, although I will be referring to both. (By the way, I also have the workbook but did not use it. Perhaps I will next time.) I will have to be more organized and do a lot more note-taking. My brain is already being a bully. I keep having to battle thoughts about being too stupid to do the studies. I have severe issues with confusion and when I have to focus on anything, I get a lot of distortion with words and concepts. But, once again, God is good. 

I am reminding myself that it's okay if I only get through 10 minutes of study every session. I don't have to be in competition with anyone. That's what I love about being able to study on my own. No one is around to make me feel embarrassed by my mental limitations. 


One of the things I have learned is how little I know about the Bible. Every time I turn the page, I see get a new insight that I missed before. During the 24 Hours sessions, Missler would often quip that even 24 years is not enough to study the Bible. He and others who spent years and years studying the Bible probably feel as I do: they need more time!

I did thoroughly enjoy the 24 Hours study sessions. I will probably do the set all over again in a few years, God willing that I am here. 

If you struggle with where to get started in Bible study, I highly recommend using the K House resources. Much of the information (and certainly almost all of the video sessions) can be found free of charge on the ministry website and via YouTube. 

About Koinonia Institute
for SERIOUS study:
For those who want to do a deep-dive and more structured study of the Bible, go to the Koinonia Institute.  Here is a list of the available courses. (There are some materials that you will need to purchase but they are all listed on the website.) I am a bit too intimidated to attempt this. Pray for me that I will eventually get the courage to at least try!

If you are curious and considering the Institute, here are some FAQs, and here is the Student Handbook. What a glorious and invaluable resource to have.

The eSword app on my PC was invaluable and, as always, I want to recommend everyone to check that out. Whatever resources you use, please study the Bible. It's the Christian handbook to everything. 



Friday, May 21, 2021

Something to Study On: Age of Deceit

 There is an interesting series of videos from the Koinonia House YouTube channel called "The Age of Deceit". While watching Part 6, my brain was so flooded with questions that I had to slow down the playback speed so I could take notes.

Here is the video:

Here are some of the questions and thoughts that I noted and will be studying:

  • How then should churches be set up?
  • Jesus had the first "mega-church" when he was teaching thousands. He didn't need anything to "entertain" the people; he simply spoke.
  • I need to check out that World Christian Encyclopedia (which I'd never heard of before now).
  • Perhaps one of the things that "turn off" some seeking people from Christianity is the way we have complicated things with churches and worship.
  • Is it Nicolaitan then to have Bishops and a variety of clergy - or anything other than the teachers/preachers?
I keep a notebook of questions and thoughts like these because my memory is so poor. When I am doing Bible Study, my notebook helps remind me of things I wanted to know more about. It's been a very helpful habit.

This video series is another one of the reminders that we need to always be discerning and prayerful about everything.

I just wanted to share this with you.
