Sunday, April 10, 2022

Audiobook Mention: Is Atheism Dead?

 Haven't been posting as much while I deal with some health issues. I did want to share that I am listening to a great audiobook. It's "Is Atheism Dead?" by Eric Metaxas.

This book is said to be an answer to the old Time cover asking "Is God Dead?" I have to admit, I have not read that issue so I will need to go look it up at some point.

I don't agree with some of the author's implied beliefs about earth sciences but I do like many of his responses to some basic Atheistic arguments against a Divine Creator.

The author has a really refreshing voice - free of the often annoying and plasticized evangelistic sarcasm. He's not "preachy" or pushy and he doesn't seem to see himself as a sinless example for all mankind. I like that he is "normal" and curious and very much like the average person. His stance is very fact-based and rational. I don't think that any logical and seriously thoughtful Atheist could be offended by his work. They might actually be persuaded to do their own research.

As with any work that cites a lot of information, I like to take notes and go check out the sources for myself. I'm going to have a lot of checking to do when I finish this book. I stopped taking notes after my hand started cramping and will have to do a second listen.

This book looks at a lot of the well-known (and some lesser-known) arguments that are made in an attempt to dispute the idea of a God-created universe. I was aware of and still find hilarious some of these arguments.  

Reading this book and the outlining of some of the sillier anti-Creator arguments, I am a little amazed at how far people will go to deny that there is a Divine Creator. I personally know people who believe in ghosts, UFOs, and out-of-body-travel but laugh at my belief in God and the Bible. They will believe in the supernatural without believing in a supernatural God. They accept UFOs and aliens but not angels and demons. I have heard very intelligent people - who can (and do) spend time studying and breaking down complicated philosophies - who won't study the Bible. They don't think about the Bible as a record of archeology, science, and math. They can only look at the surface and dismiss it as fairytales. But look at the people who follow a religion made up by a science fiction writer who openly admitted his con game.

I remember an acquaintance using the idea of humankind being planted here by extraterrestrials. I joked with the person that God could be seen as the ultimate extraterrestrial. Maybe an outer-terrestrial or over-it-all-terrestrial. That didn't go over well.

The audio version of this book is almost 17 hours long. And it's not a skim-over listen. Like I said, the notetaking has been brutal. I do recommend it. Whether you are an Atheist, a Bible-believing, or of some other religious persuasion, I urge you to always study and question and be able to rationally defend your beliefs. It's my belief that your eternal soul depends on this. As a Christian, I came to my faith on a road of questions and curiosity. I hope that you never stop questioning and being curious.



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