Monday, February 20, 2023

#Jesus Is Coming Soon

 I rarely use Twitter because I get annoyed by the unorganized clutter of information. So I use the platform for very specific needs. This morning I logged in to DM the USPS about a bad delivery attempt and noticed that one of the Trending Topics is #JesusIsComingSoon. 

The Bible teaches that no one knows the day or hour of Jesus's return. However, whether or not he returns in your lifetime (or mine), we are going to see him when we die. I don't know if people think about that. We don't know how long we have to live. 

As I've mentioned in my blogs, my 36-year-old niece died unexpectedly. On the day she died, she woke up with plans to prepare for an upcoming visit from her twin brother. She had breakfast and fed her dogs and checked her email and logged into her social media accounts. Later, she walked her dogs before going off the part-time job she'd recently started. Her full-time job paid well but she was trying to earn extra money for achieving some additional life goals. A few hours later, she was dead.

We think that we have so much control over everything. We plan and worry and fret and anticipate. Yet we cannot control whether or not we take our next breath, What every one of us will eventually learn is that God is in control.

There are people who stand in pulpits and teach that God is a genie in a bottle that we can "sow seeds" at to get money and healing. They will stand before God and they will know.

There are people who think that they can pray to various "saints" and idols for their salvation and safety and earthly well-being. They will stand before God and they will know.

There are scientists who argue against a Creator and teach that we exist because of a cosmic accident or that we were birthed by stardust or some such nonsense. They will stand before God and they will know.

There are Atheists who perform wonderfully in their debates against those who believe in a Creator. they will stand before God and they will know.

There are Christians who sometimes get weary and discouraged. They too will stand before God and they will know.

You are going to see God and know. I am going to see God and know. We don't make something true or not by believing or disbelieving. What is, is. We have been told and it will be. 

So when I saw that such a truth was "trending" on a social media platform, I was both happy and sad. I worry for the people who refuse to believe what is true.


Accepting Christ is not hard, although living for him can be. All you have to do is sincerely ask him to come into your heart and your life. Ask him to forgive you of your sins

That's it. Once you trust in him - truly trust in him - you have made the first step. You will learn to read the Bible and pray for guidance. Pray to find other Bible-believing Christians to connect with. 

None of us know how much time we have to live - whether we live for the world or live for Christ. But we do need to choose. Please think of eternity. Consider carefully what you believe and why.



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