Sunday, February 12, 2023

No Govt Representation for Me

 Republican, Democrat, Independent... blah, blah, blah.

I'm not someone who obsesses over politics. I scan the news and try to be aware of major issues but... I really just cannot cope anymore with the distractions, disorganization, and disinformation that have escalated in the political world.

To be honest, I think the last time I paid attention to politics was a couple of years before Obama ran for the first time. That wore me out. I became so fatigued with all the hype and ADHD energy of voters who were so "for" or "against" one party or another. It was exhausting. 

My family has never been very "political". While growing up, I don't remember passionate discussions about politics in my home. Of course, my parents and their friends were interested, concerned with, and affected by the Civil Rights movement and the issues surrounding equality in the everyday lives of black people. I heard the adults discussing these things but I never heard them arguing with each other. 

For years, I was registered as Democrat. Not because I was very educated about every issue concerning citizens but because my parents had been Democrats. Shallowly, I always thought of Democrats as being for equality and fairness while I saw Republicans as being for pure capitalism and not concerned about anyone with brown or red skin.

I don't think it was until I was in my late 30s that I began to see how blurred - and at the same time, how clear - the lines are between the two major parties. I'm not sure when I began to feel - as an individual - not represented. It was during the rise of MAGA Republicans and the "squads" of progressive Democrats that I knew I was not well-represented.

As a citizen with only a layperson's understanding of politics, I am:

  • Both pro-life and pro-choice. As a Christian, I know that every life is precious and that abortion is wrong. Also, I know that God gave us free will. I don't want people to sin but I know that they will (as I do). If someone murders - takes a life in any way that is not in justice - they are going to face divine judgment if they don't repent.
  • Against gay marriage and special rights for LGBTQ+ citizens. If someone wants to live a gay lifestyle and suffer God's judgment, that's on them. However, I don't think that they should have the right to legally impact the education system. I don't think there should be such a thing as "drag queen story time". I don't think that we should legitimize or normalize sinful lifestyles. (And I once lived with a man I was not married to. I had to repent for that.) 
  • Against the entire "trans" movement. If someone wants to be trans, fine. However, I should not have to be legally forced to figure out the confusion of pronouns because someone is confused about their sexuality or identity.
  • Against movements about which lives matter more or less. We are all precious in God's eyes and by fighting over who is more or less valued, we are denying that. Black lives do matter - so do white lives and red lives and brown and whatever other color there is. How about "everybody with skin matters"? There. I fixed it for you.
  • For programs that some people consider "socialist" - the programs that help feed the poor, provide school lunches and assist with housing, education, and healthcare. I am for those who cannot help themselves due to addiction, mental or physical disabilities, or poor parental situations.
  • Fair working wages and compensation. 
  • Against free and unlimited welfare for people who are able to be trained to work or provide a service in exchange for help.
  • Support for Israel because God promised to "bless those who bless" Israel and "curse those who curse" her.
I was asked during a heated discussion in some online forum or the other if I would rather have a "doddering" Biden as president versus a more decisive if "lacking in decorum" Trump. That's an unfair choice. I don't know anyone in their right mind who wants Trump who stirs up so much division and hate. Also, I'm not crazy about Biden who, in my limited understanding, is very much for many of the things I think are sinful. And that's my problem. There is no one representing sane Christians. I don't think there ever will be and - to be honest - I don't think there is supposed to be.

There. I said it. 

This nation is not God's kingdom. This is a nation, like any other, that makes its policies based on mostly secular reasoning and viewpoints. I would like a nation that ran on totally Christian morals but I know that never will be. Just as Jesus wanted the people in his time here on earth to understand: his kingdom is the one to come

But back to this earthly "kingdom". I'm not right-wing or left-wing. I'm not even really a centrist. I'm a Christian and that's not a recognized party in the political system of the USA. 

Speaking of "socialist" programs, what is wrong with giving as much as we get - as a nation taking care of its citizens? The government talks about money like it's unlimited when it comes to things that benefit the wealthy or powerful. We can fund wars, no problem. We can let the big corporations find tax loopholes, no problem. But Medicare and Medicaid for those lazy peasants or housing and care for the mentally ill or veterans of wars? Oh boy, we might need to discuss that...

I heard someone once mention some of the ridiculous things that are in some of the government bills. There was money allocated for things like observing the mating habits of such and such an animal. Again, I'm ignorant about many things so here is a link to a list of some of the ridiculousness of federal spending. Even if a list such as this is exaggerated, it's not the only example.

Basically, as a Christian, this world is not my "paradise". Politicians are not my friends. Political parties don't really matter. We will be fighting each other until the end of time if we think that we can change that. How about we try to have our differences without violence?

What if we all learn to be civil? Not in agreement, of course, but civil in both our agreements and disagreements? Just because I am not pro-gay, I'm not going to be hateful to a gay or trans or MAGA or Progressive person. Just because I'm not for what they are for, I'm not going to be hateful to them. I'm going to pray for them and I will advocate that they - or any other person promoting sin - not be allowed to affect my rights to be and live a Christian life. If they can promote drag time story hour in school, why shouldn't prayer in school be allowed?

The bottom line: we are never going to have peace in this world until God's kingdom comes. In the meantime, I just want to be decent and kind and to be treated with decency and kindness. 

Okay. Now I'm just starting to rant. I think I've made my point. Basically, as a Christian, I will not have true representation under a man-made government. That's what Heaven is for.


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