Showing posts with label distraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distraction. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Distraction Junkie (and Breaking the Habit)

 Like many Americans, I am a distraction junkie. There are some things I avoid because they are not healthy or helpful. But there is so much to avoid!

One day, I took the time to think about all the ways I spend my free time in a day. Reading or listening to the news and checking my phone; scanning social media and blog posting; watching entertainment (via online videos and streaming services); thinking about things that are not useful to my mental health or growth as a Christian; and doing Bible study. Sadly, Bible study came in last place.

I've been spending my free time in such an unbalanced and unhealthy way - for a Christian.

Here's how I know any of my time should be spent - sort of a daily to-do list:

  1. Prayer and Bible study.
  2. Critically thinking about any news I read or listen to.
  3. Sharing my faith in some way.
  4. Checking up with (or in on) friends and family.
  5. Glancing at the news - just to know what major things are going on.
If there is time after that, I could write blog posts and scan social media - and that last part is not and should not be a loss if I don't get around to it.
I have allowed myself to become conditioned to live my life the way society doesn't mind. "Going along to get along", as my mother used to say. She would tell me that when I was in high school and wanted to do something because "all the other kids get to". It's not that she didn't want me to enjoy my teenage years. She just wanted me to have good reasons for why I wanted to do things.

These past few days, as I think about time and how little of it we have, I am trying to remember to ask myself why I want to do whatever it is I'm thinking of doing. I need to make that a habit.

Not only should I want to understand why I want to do something at a given time - read the news or scan social media, etc. - but also is it good for me at that moment. 

One blessing of having sarcoidosis is that I do have to think so much sometimes about how to do something. A lot of simple tasks take more concentration and focus. There was a time when I could knock out 3 or 4 blog posts at a time and schedule them to publish through the week. Now, on a good day, I can do one blog post and make sure it's clear and (mostly) free of glaring grammatical errors. (By the way, "big ups" to Grammarly!) 

Part of my problem is that I feel a bit ADHD and yet sluggish-minded. At the same time. LOL. It's a real thing, people. 

So. What does all of this mean?

I guess I'm trying to say that I have become aware of a problem and am trying to solve it. The problem is that I'm not spending enough time on the things that matter the most. The solution is so very simple: spend more time on the things that matter the most. 

I have come up with a plan. I need to create a habit of putting first things first. Bible study and prayer before anything else and then the other 4 things on my daily "to-do" list.

Putting the news last might be the biggest benefit to my mental health. That is where the biggest distractions are. The news these days if full of the worst of the worst and I'm not even talking about the natural disasters or crimes but politicians acting like unruly children and celebrities doing "the most" and some for more attention.

God is in control. Of everything that is going on around us. My worrying about it all can't change men's hearts or behaviors. But I can pray. I can study God's Word to understand why things are the way they are. I can read His Word to fortify myself with the promises He's given to those of us who follow Jesus. 

I'm trying to stop being a distraction junkie and become a more prayerful and mature Christian.
