Friday, November 29, 2024

Just Going to Sit This Here & Walk Away

 Feeling so blessed to be with family and friends yesterday to celebrate Thanksgiving, I skipped reading any news. This morning, I made the mistake of catching up on the news. 

One of the first things I noticed were the holiday wishes coming from prominent figures and personalities. On the social media sites, I saw two very different messages from two very different men. 

This is from the outgoing President Biden. The one message was part of a video he posted. The other (which I only partially captured) is part of another message that included a Thanksgiving card image.

That's a pretty standard presidential type of message to citizens - from an outgoing president who was not popular in the last few years.

This is the message from the former (45th) and future (47th) president:

I watched a YouTuber speak about the two messages and mention how few people - in the news and among the MAGA-verse - had anything to say about the tone of this unhinged message. The YouTuber wondered what reactions would have been had the word "Left" been with "Right" (or MAGA, which has taken over the Right)? 

This is the comment I left on that video, and it's pretty much what I have been wondering for a few years now:

It's more discouraging for me that many people who call themselves Christian support this man, despite the behavior. I'm Christian and I believe character, behavior, intentions, and morals & common decency matter. Of course, there is much about the Left I disagree with, but we are beyond parties at this point. When people wonder how the Antichrist will get the support of so many "good" people, this is the blueprint. (For Christians who disagree with me - and there are many I personally know - I just ask that you look beyond party alliance and deep into your hearts and study on this.)

I'm going to probably wonder the same thing for the next four years.



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