Thursday, March 25, 2021

But People Call Me Crazy?

 Okay, so no one has called me crazy to my face - yet - but they have typed in in comments online. And I usually get no response when I post things like this. I can post a joke or a silly meme and have people Liking and Hearting all over the place. Try to warn them about the world we live in and remind them to be watchful and prayerful and... crickets.

I don't post this stuff to get noticed, Liked, or Hearted. I post this to warn people that while we have always lived in "perilous times", we are getting deeper and deeper into the dark with every passing moment. I post this stuff because I don't want anyone to be left out of the eternity of Heaven.

Now, if I am crazy for believing in God and in the Bible that warns us about darkness, what do you say about this kind of stuff? This is something that is so blatant that I'm not sure how to take it. 

Even if you want to write this off as "art" or "trolling", it's not cool. It's sort of an in-your-face move, isn't it?

Whenever I think about how unmindful people are of God and His warnings, I think of the old "days of Noah" reminder. We are walking around here with our faces buried in our phones, our minds buried in useless distraction and entertainment, and our motivation buried in dreams of money and fame and pride.

And for every person out there, sharing the Gospel and trying to encourage people to consider the spiritual implications of life and death, there are just as many - or more - sharing their own money-making "gospel". 

I don't know how people can ignore the fact of God. I don't understand how people can look at the wonder of human life, of the universe around us, of the sunrise and sunset and think it "just happened" out of nothing. I really don't understand how people look at all of that and then try to find other ways to explain it. 

Even when I didn't follow Christ, I was never able to look at creation and not believe in God.

I think some people don't want to believe in God because they don't want to think that there is an Intelligence that they can never be equal to. They don't want to believe that there is an Intelligence that they need. They don't want to bow down to anything that they cannot create or completely understand. This is why men who don't believe in God will believe in aliens or will worship technology and put all their hopes in some future existence where they can live forever.


I just wanted to share that video and those thoughts with you. Time is short - if not for all mankind, then maybe for you or for me. We don't know when the "End Times" will finish playing out but we also don't know when our personal end will come.

If you don't believe in God, at least be totally sure of your reasons. Be willing to live and die with your choices.



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